Apr. 19th, 2007

Need some Brand DNA?

I like what Seth Godin posted this morning:

At 5, the clock radio at the hotel started playing Steely Dan. I knew it in less than a second. Two notes.

Same thing happens when I see just the edge of the New Yorker
sitting in the pile of mail or the formatting of an email from a
friend. I could probably tell a Starbucks just from the sound and the
smell of the store. They all have brand DNA.

Do you? Does your blog? Your company? I don’t think it happens by accident.

It definitely doesn’t happen by accident. If you need some help with your Brand DNA, Mortar360 can help.


Want to find out how compelling your brand is? Is your marketing organization robust, or
just a bust? Use Mortar’s patented Brand-O-Meter™  to get the skinny.

Then give us a call 415-772-9907 x112 or send us an email and we can  give you a clear view of where your brand is, where it could be, and how we’ll get it where it needs to go, together.

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